
May 7, 2002 - Because of this kid right here I updated the site. Most likely for the last time for a while. I just added two new adventures, one of Tommy's Birthday and the other a rant. Either way, I hope everyone reading this had a good freshman year of college. Take it easy over the summer.


April 2, 2002 - Hey all you mealy-mouthed computer dorks! It's warm outside. And as a reflection of the change in climes, we've added a new boonkreese header, depicting tropical scenery! Added bonus: new background on the page featuring a picture of boon in 6th grade. Awesome dudes!


March 28, 2002 (second update) - okay, the last update was really weird, so i took it down and put a new one up. it'll be back again soo, but in the meantime, here's another one to make up for it. In addition, Quang won't stop blasting "Living On a Prayer". He is a terrible singer. This is Quang singing:
"Hold on to what we got! Hoooooold On! Hold on! Ohhhhhh OH! Living on a Prayer! Hold On! Ohhhh-ohhhhhh!Hold on to what we got!
Okay, now Quang wants to put a link to the lyrics. Alright here it is you slanty-eyed turd. Living on a Prayer lyrics.

- kreese

March 28, 2002 - finally an update, in the form of a photo essay. It's a crappy one but it will do for now. Scanned in 40 pictures the other night, so more should be on the way!

- kreese

February 25, 2002 - there are updates, but you have to find them. also, on the 28th wish d. rusthoven a happy 19th birthday, especially those of you that he hates. Also here is a wallpaper for your computers.


February 11, 2002 - Cleaned up the site a bit, new background, more frames, and condensed pages. If you have any additional pics notify Boon or I. Boon smells like cat puke.

Furthermore, big ups to David "Eis Eis Baby" Eisinger for making an illtight web siz-ight. Click here to go to that man's site. Now back to playing Toni Hock Too for Dreemkast.

- kreese

February 8, 2002 -Added Boon & Kreese's first adventure in the BoonKreese page. Also a whole load of pictures of passed-out urk. I know how much you filthy bastards love that shit.

Other shit:
-big up Sat "Yavrat" Joshi for putting us up on his guest list for zbt.
-everyone remember the crazy ass Trigon party this saturday (10 pm, 121 Shamrock Rd.). If you want to have a fucking good time where else would you turn but the campus renown co-ed engineering frat. If you're not in the e-school don't fret. My invitation admits 2 people! Boon, Kreese, & Durk will most definitely be there. Don't miss out.
-lastly, the eat shit award of this update goes to: Ryan "I Eat Shit" Milligan. Eat shit Milligan.


February 3, 2002 - NEW! The Carlos Corona section! Check that shit out!
- kreese

I changed some shit. No one cares.
- wahoo-boon

February 2, 2002 What? You thought that was all we were gonna give you? Oh so wrong. Here's Seon-Ho gettin down with his new Asian friends before the UVa/Maryland game. His buddies chose to wear more casual fare, but Seon-Ho went all out! He's almost smiling! You could say he's having a little ho-down! har har!
Oh and here's a goodie from the archive page: Zack Taylor looking at something a little odd in class last year.

- kreese

January 30, 2002 - More super pics of Rickquee on his page! I have to take a dump.


Buddy Icons!