Weekend Fun With Chris & Quang

A couple weekends ago a bunch of our friends came down to visit. Some of Travis' buddies stopped by too. It was bananas.

Anyways. Here are some pictures of Dipesh, Travis' friend, being peer-pressured into drinking the rest of a bottle of 151.

This is the actual conversation that was happening in the next picture:

Dipesh: I don't want to finish this bottle.
Travis' Other Friend: If you don't want to finish it, that's fine.
John: You don't have to if you don't want. We didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable.
Travis: Yeah don't worry about it. We were just joking around.
Andrea: Drink it you little fucking shit! Don't be such a fucking bitch. If you don't finish that damn bottle I will cut the shit out of your fucking indian face.
Dipesh: (Finishes the rest while crying).

This is Dipesh passed out 3 minutes later.

John Sterling of all people dropped by. Look at that handsome smile! What in the world could John be so happy about?


Unfortunately John brought Kris Clowsen along. Does he ever shut up?

Here's Dave Eisinger sitting looking normal.

Here's a picture of Eisinger to make up for the last one.

Even David Rusthoven got free from Navy for the weekend. Apparently, he forgot he wasn't at Navy in this picture. Poor Jeff. That's so gay, Dave.

Later that night we went to the bomb-ass Afrodisiac show at Sigma Pi. They blew it up.

When we got back we ordered 4 pizzas. We couldn't finish them all, so when Eisinger fell asleep we put pizza crusts on him.

But even so, we had way too much pizza. There was only one person that could help us in such a dilemma, thank the lord he came in time.

It looks like another night comes to a close... Wait! CMac what are you so suprised about???


(This is an actual license plate of someone at UVA)

That's when Tommy wakes up amidst all the commotion. Note that Tommy went to bed at 9 pm on a Saturday night and woke up at 4:30 am. Tommy is fucking cool.

But Tommy, this is Durtle's fifteen minutes.

The End