Kids Across the Hall!

No one likes Arun except for these two moose. For those of you who aren't aware, he's Mrs. Chhabra's nephew or something. He's never in the suite and have no fucking clue where the hell he goes. Probably eating shit with his two moose friends.

Tommy plays ultimate frisbee and lives across the hall from us. He's from Kansas and always talks about Kansas and shit. Tom doesn't like us much so he goes to bed really early and is always in the suite next door. To get back at him we steal his clothes and piss on his computer. The picture on the left is a picture someone drew on our white board of Tom.

Find Tommy's roommated Travis!!! If you don't see him he's standing right there on my fucking bed under the blanket. Travis always barges in our room and entertains us by taking our food and drinks. He's a fun kid and never does any work.

Apro-tasty! Apro-Pissed!!!!!!!

Aprotim probably hates us. We're the worst suitemates ever.

This is the worst page ever.