Dhivy vs. The World

The day started out as any other for Dhivy D. Jayaseelan.

After waking up Dhivy found his two best friends, Cruzan Coconut Rum and Bacardi 151.

When gets shitfaced you have no idea what wild and crazy shit he'll do. Look at how many sunglasses he's wearing! No mortal man needs that many sunglasses. Unless...

Even when Dhivy pissed his pants he couldn't be stopped. Don't let that innocent look on his face fool you, that was no accident.

Then Dhivy really flipped out. Chris and David had no chance.

Was CMac going to be spared?


Only one person could tame Dhivy's rampage, but where was he? The microwave? Yes!

Here's Dhivy passed out.

And here's our hero.

The End