Archive of Pictures

We gotta light doobies...our dorm is Dobie
Kreese lube up w/Boon's Waterbabies SPF 465 lotion! No tell!
Boon dog drink not rum! NOT RUM!
Fat Quang
John being drunk
Chris licking Aprotim Sanyal
Fisherman Daniels
Derek dreaming of Seon-Ho Choi's family
Weird white board drawring
John and Shiva having sex!!!!!
Pat Drewry puking
Rickamus normal
Rickquee sadquee
Stupid robot dog
Stupid Shiva Drunk on Floor
The only respectable picture of Shiva Goel in existance
Our suitemate Travis
Our suitemate Tommy
Urk make a grin
Kreese lube Waterbabies lotion
Travis "hiding"
Quang NOT IN HIS BED!!!!
Zack Taylor looking at something weird.

Picture Update 1.30.02

Kris Clausen, martyr, labeled by the man
Rickquee, the horrible creature who stalks children in the night
Tiger Woods! for no reason! uh....and michael